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We have a large selection of titles available with imperfects, meaning that they could not be used in subscription boxes. However, the damage is small and therfore we are making them available for up to 50% off!!!!


Scratch & Dent means that books could have the following damage:

🖤 scratches and scuffs to the cover and/or edges
🖤 sprayed edge inconsistencies
🖤 glue on the edges and/or cover
🖤 folded or torn pages
🖤 dents

This is not an exhaustive list and there could be other issues.


Photos show two examples - please note the books shown show examples of the damage and may not be included stock.

Scratch & Dent Stock

  • All books under this listing are advertised as damaged and therefore the damage policy stated on our website is not applicable. Books cannot be refunded or replaced for any reason. 

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