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This September, The Butterfly Book Club has an amazing paranormal fantasy read for you! Swan Song by Robin Clement is a tale of loyalty, betrayal and power! With angels, fae, Kings of the Underworld and truly destable characters, Swan Song is sure to keep you on your toes!


Readalong packages will contain:

- A totally redeisgned hardback exclusive edition of Swan Song, with a jacket dsigned by Stacey Willis and the book case drawn by my dad!

- A bookmark

- A readalong card

- An author letter

- A digitally signed bookplate

- A mystery item!

- Snacks*

- An inviation to the readalong group chat on Instagram!


*please be aware that snacks cannot be included in boxes sent outside of the UK!

Swan Song Readalong Package

Price Options
One-time purchase
3-month sub
Guaranteed boxes for September, October and November!
£27.00every month for 3 months
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