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October is here which means...there is a new box available to pre-order!!


This month, boxes will feature To Wake a Kingdom by Nisha Tulli, a Sleeping Beauty reimaining with spice, badass princesses and fae! 


As always, the book has been exclusively redesigned for The Butterfly Book Club and it is stunning!! In additon to the beasutiful book, you will receveid:

- A bookmark

- A signature sticker

- A readalong card

- A letter from the author

- A mystery item (made by me!)

- Snacks*


Once you've ordered, sit back and wait for your readalong invitation! Such a great way to make new bookish friends.


*snacks cannot be included in boxes sent outside of the UK 

To Wake a Kingdom Readalong Package

Price Options
One-time purchase
3-month sub(O, N, D)
Guaranteed boxes for 3 months!
£28.99every month for 3 months
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